Did you know that in some remote places in this world, a life expectancy of more than 100 years is not uncommon? Not only do people in these remote regions live long lives, they also enjoy abundant health and happiness.What factors have contributed to their great fortune? These centenarians often live in isolated places. Away from the harmful influences of modern civilisation. Their diet contains fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and is low in animal fats.
During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well.
Research strongly suggests that Goji’s four unique polysaccharides work in the body by serving as directors and carriers of the instructions that cells use to communicate with each other. In this way, it can be said that these polysaccharides are "Master Molecules" by virtue of their ability to promote optimal health throughout the body. In the goji berry, polysaccharide levels can vary widely depending upon where and when the berry is grown, and that may explain why some berries are said to be more beneficial than others.